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News from our hangar
CIS PA44 Seminole CSL model
CIS Seminole update v1.0.2
CIS Seneca II update v 1.1.0
TDS GTNXi750 for the CIS Aircraft Series
CIS Seneca News
CIS Seneca News

December 15, 2024
After the release of the CIS Piper Seminole, we are going back to continue the updates and improvements of the CIS Seneca II.
We are now pleased to announce that the avionics suite from Real Sim Gear and TDS Simulations will be available soon as an update for the CIS Seneca II.
The integration of both add-ons is already working and in the beta test phase.
The TDS GTNxi750 will be available as soon as TDS Simulations releases the add-on to the public.
SkunkCrafts Updater
CIS MMJC Atizapán now Available for XP12
TotalMexico XP12
Flat Airports
From Atizapán to San Miguel de Allende

Compatible with X Plane 12 versions.
$38.95Add to cart
Compatible with X Plane 12 versions.
A must-have in your General Aviation Hangar!
$38.95Add to cart
Positive Climb Design brings us their latest development for the airports of Venezuela.
Expand your X-Plane 12 scenery and visit this beautiful country.
Total Mexico v3.0 4XP12 is out!
Your portal to access the complete country of Mexico.
Featuring UHRT (Ultra High Resolution Terrain), mesh, satellite imagery, enhanced water masks and latest OSM autogen data.
You can install the TotalMexico in the hdd of your choice. The software will take care of the rest and it will install into Xplane automatically, no more messing around with manual scenery tiles installation.
With version 2.0 of TotalMexico we have reduced the overall file size of Mexico from 1.2 Terabytes to 700 Gigs without compromising quality giving a boost in performance and VRAM usage!
Also new in version 2.0 the ability of update the tiles as new updates are released!
Compatible with Xplane 11.4 , 11.5 and also for Xplane 12
Get it now!
$38.95Add to cart
MMJC Atizapán Airport

The most accurate render version of the Atizapán Airport for any flight simulator. Available only for X Plane.
Now compatible with XP 12.
Free update if you already own the airport at "My Hangar" in your previous order.
$11.95Add to cart